FARMhere Magazine – Free to download
BOERhier Veilings uitgawe 47 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings – nou beskikbaar.
BOERhier Uitgawe 102 is ‘n e-Tydskrif is nou beskikbaar.
FARMhere Edition 50 is an e-Magazine for those who want to learn more about a variety of agricultural practices. Promote your farming operations with knowledge. It’s 100% FREE!
BOERhier Veilings 46 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings – nou besikibaar.
FARMhere Edition 49 is an e-Magazine for those who want to learn more about a variety of agricultural practices. Promote your farming operations with knowledge. It’s 100% FREE!
FARMhere Edition 48 is an e-Magazine for those who want to learn more about a variety of agricultural practices. Promote your farming operations with knowledge. It’s 100% FREE!
Die groen seisoen is uiteraard ook die reën seisoen. Wanneer NPN met staande water in aanraking kom, los dit op en diere wat hierdie water drink, staan ’n groot kans om NPN vergiftiging op te doen.
Greensprouts Solutions Greensprouts Solutions as ’n Maatskappy bestaan al langer as 20 jaar wat die Maatskappy die leier maak in groenvoer tegnologie en kweekhuis ontwerp. Vanuit
BOERhier is a Social Media success story! BOERhier started in June 2017 as an electronic magazine that distributes practical farming ideas, statistics and inspiration about agriculture to farmers. In just 4 years, the popularity of BOERhier has been overwhelming and many readers have insisted on an English version.