Effektiewe fasiliteite om skape ekonomies te produseer

Effektiewe fasiliteite om skape ekonomies te produseer

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Sheep - Photo by Trinity Kubassek from Pexels
Sheep - Photo by Trinity Kubassek from Pexels
Optimum produksie is alleenlik moontlik indien al hierdie faktore hul onderskeie invloede afsonderlik en gesamentlik laat geld.

Ten einde skaapvleis ekonomies te produseer, is dit nodig om aan sekere basiese produksievereistes te voldoen. Optimum produksie is alleenlik moontlik indien al hierdie faktore hul onderskeie invloede afsonderlik en gesamentlik laat geld.

Een van die belangrike faktore is die voorsiening van doeltreffende en effektiewe behuising en hanteringsfasiliteite.
The elements that make up a production system are largely determined by the herd size and can include the following:

  • Handling facility
  • Behuisingsarea
  • Grazing camps
  • Feed processing complex
  • Hospital
  • Administrative Office
  • Shaving sheds

Climate requirements are also an important factor, although sheep are well adapted to the climatological conditions in South Africa.
These changes can have a significant effect on feed intake and the incidence of diseases.

The general rule is: the drier, the healthier the sheep. The site selection must be done in such a way that it is the total farm layout
compliment and will consider other industries.

Space requirements for sheep
General standards used for design and planning purposes:

  • Feedlot: 2 m² / sheep *
  • Versamel of houarea
  • 0,8 – 1 m²/sheep
  • 1.5 - 1.8 m² / ewe with lamb
  • 0.5 - 0.75 m² / lamb younger than 1 year
  • Catchment area: 0,5 m² / sheep
  • Frame stall: 5 m² / ram
  • Maternity lofts: 2.5 - 3 m² / sheep
  • Shadow area in feedlots
  • 0.5 m² / sheep (0.3 - 0.75 m² / sheep)
  • Drying bead: 0.5 m² / sheep

* In areas with a relatively low rainfall (400 mm / year) this value can be reduced to approximately 1 m² / sheep.

Vreet en drinkspasie Rantsoenering:

  • Adult sheep 0.4 - 0.5 m / sheep
  • Lambs ± 4 months 0.2 - 0.25 m / lamb
  • Lambs ± 1 year 0.3 - 0.35 m / lamb

Self-feeding or ad lib nutrition:

  • Adult sheep 100 mm / sheep
  • Lambs ± 4 months 50 - 75 mm / lamb
  • Lambs ± 1 year 75 - 100 mm / lamb
  • Water trough 0, 3 m² / 40 sheep

Water needs for sheep
In the design of the water supply system, provision must be made for a reserve storage capacity of at least three days. It can
even longer if the farm is located far from provider service networks.

  • Frame 7.5 - 10 liters / day / animal
  • Dry ewes 7.5 - 10 liters / day / animal
  • Ewe with lamb ± 12 liters / day / animal
  • Weaned lambs ± 5 liters / day / animal

Remember that sheep are living beings that can also be subjected to stress, thus lowering their resistance to disease. Well-designed handling facilities that require the minimum handling by humans should result in healthier sheep with a good meat grading.

‘n Volledige Skaaphanteringsfasiliteite handleiding wat bogenoemde aspekte, en vele meer insluit, is beskikbaar by die LNR-Instituut vir
Landbouingenieurswese. Navrae kan gerig word aan Elmarie Stoltz by 012 842 4017 of e-pos: stoltze@arc.agric.za.

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