Why The Coffee?

Why The Coffee?

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Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pile-of-coffee-bean-164622/
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pile-of-coffee-bean-164622/
The animal feed industry has also experienced a significant evolution on the back of substantial resources being invested in research and development and in response to the growing production demands on animals.

Why The Coffee?

You may be wondering what a bag of coffee has to do with animal nutrition!

It’s an appeal to your senses to reinforce the point that when it comes to your animals well-being (as with your own) ‘you get out as much as you put in.’ In the case of your animals we recommend IntelliBond, and for you, coffee! The coffee industry, as with animal nutrition has undergone substantial changes over the past 30 years. Since the 1980’s ‘new consumption patterns have emerged with the growing importance of specialty, fair trade, and organic coffees. Coffee bar chains have spread dramatically, although the relative coffee content of the final consumption ‘‘experience’’ in these outlets is extremely low. Coffee bar chains sell an ambience and a social positioning more than just ‘‘good’’ coffee. In short, the global coffee chain has gone through a ‘‘latte revolution,’’ where consumers can choose from (and pay dearly for) hundreds of combinations of coffee variety, origin, brewing and grinding methods, flavouring, packaging, social ‘‘content,’’ and ambience.’* The nett result is that over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every day!

The animal feed industry has also experienced a significant evolution on the back of substantial resources being invested in research and development and in response to the growing production demands on animals. For instance, when I started my career in the animal feed industry with Epol in Cape Town in 1980, Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Crude Protein (CP) and Crude Fibre (CF) were the accepted parameters used for formulating rations. Today, rations are formulated with much greater precision. Energy parameters include Net and Metabolisable Energy, starch, sugar, and FAs. Protein parameters include Metabolisable Protein & specific amino acids while the fibrous fraction is now described by measures such as peNDF and lignin. This is a reflection of the extent to which animal nutritionists have progressed in their ability to formulate ideal diets based on the value and proportion of nutrients that can be absorbed from the diet and used for optimal body functions in animals.

The same is true of trace minerals. ‘At least since the 1980’s nutritional sources of essential trace minerals such as iron, zinc, copper and manganese have been commonly described as being either organic or inorganic products. However, recent and more intensive research studies have shown that this distinction is of little value in revealing how a given metal source will perform in a biological system. Similarly, comparisons of relative bioavailability have been the primary focus when evaluating alternative sources of minerals. Today, newer published studies make it clear that the picture is more complex than previously believed. In addition to differences in efficiency of absorption of the target metal into the bloodstream, different sources can affect nutrition and animal performance in at least four other important ways:

  • destruction of nutrients, including vitamins in a feed mixture,
  • interactions with other nutrients in the digestive tract,
  • direct influence on gut microbial ecology; and
  • effects on the animal’s natural immune functions.

The common thread which links the mechanisms in all of these performance criteria is the speed with which the target metal is released in the feed mixture or in the gut. There are many possible chemical and biochemical reactions which are constantly competing for the supplemented metal. The main thing that differentiates how different mineral products perform is the strength of the bonds holding them in the source compound.’ *

[* From The “Latte Revolution” by Stefano Ponte of the Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen, Denmark]

Source: Why the coffee | Westside – optimal animal performance


This is where IntelliBond differentiates itself from the traditional organic or inorganic minerals. It is a newly defined category of trace minerals that have been developed by Micronutrients, known as hydroxy trace minerals and which have a unique OH group that is bonded covalently to the metal. These “smart bonds” create minerals that avoid unwanted interactions, which can either oxidise or bind to other ingredients. As a result, the IntelliBond range presents nutritionists with a trace mineral solution that is new, thoroughly researched and proven to offer optimal efficacy that is on par with the best organic minerals at a price point that is far more cost-effective. So, when you enjoy a cup of coffee, remember the Latte revolution, the animal feed evolution and for the demands of your high producing animals, the IntelliBond solution. After all, ‘you get out as much as you put in.’

~Charles de Villiers, Managing Director of Westside

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