FARMhere Magazine – Free to download
BOERhier Veilings uitgawe 47 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings – nou beskikbaar.
BOERhier Uitgawe 102 is ‘n e-Tydskrif is nou beskikbaar.
FARMhere Edition 50 is an e-Magazine for those who want to learn more about a variety of agricultural practices. Promote your farming operations with knowledge. It’s 100% FREE!
BOERhier Veilings 46 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings – nou besikibaar.
Opkomende BOERhier Veilings 44 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings. Bevorder jou boerdery bedrywighede met kennis.
BOERhier Veilings Uitgawe 43 is nou beskikbaar
Opkomende BOERhier Veilings 41 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings. Bevorder jou boerdery bedrywighede met kennis.
Opkomende BOERhier Veilings 41 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings. Bevorder jou boerdery bedrywighede met kennis.
Opkomende BOERhier Veilings 40 is ‘n e-Tydskrif met spesifieke fokus op opkomende veilings. Bevorder jou boerdery bedrywighede met kennis.
BOERhier is a Social Media success story! BOERhier started in June 2017 as an electronic magazine that distributes practical farming ideas, statistics and inspiration about agriculture to farmers. In just 4 years, the popularity of BOERhier has been overwhelming and many readers have insisted on an English version.